With Christian Beyerlein / Axel Müller / Others
Web based navigation that fits everybodys needs. A prototype:The issue: Either apps don’t care for cobblestones and slopes or they avoid it completely. In real life you calculate whether it’s worth to go the 50 meters on annoying surface. We built an app that does that too.

Accessibilty helps many more than we think at first.
Setting your own parameters how much obstacles hinder you. This calculates the time of the route realisticly.
Many people benefit from that mechanism: Cargo Bikes, baby buggies, heavy luggage, wheelchairs.
The app itself has to be digitally accessible too.
The project
We started as a part of the open health hackademy. A project to develop open source solutions for everyday problems of people with disabilities. After the project we carried on.
We won the MobiData BW Hackathon and got a funding to produce the prototype.