With Daria Nazarenko
Our TEDx
2 tallbikes for courage
What are you afraid of? For most people this is a difficult question. Nevertheless fear is one of our main motivations in life and a constant issue in politics and media. The big topics of our nowadays society: climate change, migration, work, terrorism, they all are directly connected to fear.

Against the fear
Not everything that looks dangerous is dangerous
But how does fear affect our daily life? What can we do about it? Daria Nazarenko and Justus Pfeifer chose to travel peculiarly. Two bicycle frames welded on top of each other form a tallbike. And a tallbike provokes asking about danger and fear. It is a constant reminder on our asessement of danger.
And while joking on normal movement and the fear of falling it tells us a lesson:
Not everything that looks dangerous is bad. The overcoming of fear turns into joy. And joy leads to talking. On their way from Halle through northern Germany to Düsseldorf they were constantly talking to people about fear, finding out that fear is a lot more than just a feeling.